EBIFour.com > Training > Clarify Tips > Diagnosing Clarify :: Server Deployment Errors

Diagnosing Clarify :: Server Deployment Errors

17th February 2017

In our first post of many we are starting a series called Diagnosing Cleo Clarify. We want to be on the front-line to help users self-service their own systems and provide a one-stop-source for Cleo Clarify users.

During the life of a project, Cleo Clarify requires users to deploy projects to their QA/Production Servers, to be able to run projects.

There are times when a project/package/object looks ‘OK’ but in reality it is not. Meaning, the object saves without any issues but users receive an error when deploying the project.

In the example below, the String Concatenation appears to be OK, but when deploying the end-user receives an error

String Concatenation

During a deployment we have an issue with a String Concatenation. In particular, the  Concatenation with Trim Action.

This creates a warning but warnings should not STOP a project from being deployed.

Deployment Error


Diagnosing Deployment Error


Deployment Error Log

Required parameter “SourceString2” of Action “Concatenate with Trim” was not found for rule “Concatenate with Trim: "vSHAN”(string) + () ==> “varSHANrcv”“.  The parameter "SourceString2” of Action “Concatenate with Trim” is required.
Required parameter “SourceString2” of Action “Concatenate with Trim” was not found for rule “Concatenate with Trim: "vSHAN”(string) + () ==> “varSHANrcv”“.  The parameter "SourceString2” of Action “Concatenate with Trim” is required.
Persist log to database Do not persist incrementally
The composite transformation rule “Composite Transformation Rule” does not have any sub rules.
The composite transformation rule “Composite Transformation Rule” does not have any sub rules.
Persist log to database Do not persist incrementally

Deployment Resolution

Many times these errors can be fixed by Clarify Users, but if they cannot document the error and send the error log(s) to Cleo Support.

In the case above, we had to add SourceString 2, as the 2nd input of the Concatenate With Trim Action.

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