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Clarify Business Process Script - Add Carriage Return Line Feed

22nd October 2018

We are looking to add a record, to a flat file, consisting of the word HEADER, and a carriage return line feed to the beginning of the flat file.

Using the AppendString task and appending the source string variable to HEADER\r\n yields the word HEADER followed by a single blank space

2 Steps

Use two Append Strings to create the desired result.

Step 1

The first AppendString task takes the string variable containing the source data and appends it to a String variable initialized with a value of ’\n’, then puts it back into the source data string variable. This creates a new line followed by the source data.

Step 2

To add the ‘HEADER’ to that source data, the second AppendString takes the result of the first AppendString and appends it to the word 'HEADER’ and puts it back in the source data string variable. This places tge word 'HEADER’ only on line 1 and the remaining data starts on Line 2 as desired.

Once appended, the source data, string variable, is converted back to a storage node for further processing.

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