EBIFour.com > Training > Clarify QRGs > Using Clarify Ruleset GetMatchList Action to Substring Data

Using Clarify Ruleset GetMatchList Action to Substring Data

29th October 2020

Recently we had a Cleo Clarify end-user ask us how to substring data field of 400 characters into individual fields of 80. The 400 character field can sometimes 400 characters, and other times it can have 300.

The end-user was trying to take a single field and map it into individual EDI x12 810 NTE segments/elements.

Using Cleo Clarify 5.0.9 we are able to use the Ruleset Action: GetMatchList


GetMatchList allows a user to implement RegEx statement to return value(s).

GetMatchList Example

In our GetMatchList example we will substring every 80 characters a place the results into an Array

We use the RegEx statement: [\s\S] {1,80}

Cleo CLarify Ruleset GetMatchLIst Ruletset Rule screenshot

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